Can Bed bugs Harm you?

Bed bugs do not significantly threaten human life, as they do not transmit any disease. Although research has shown that over 45 disease pathogens could be present in bed bugs, this may include but not be limited to plagues and hepatitis b. Here are some of the negative impacts of bed bugs on our health and lifestyle.

House hold damages

Even though bed bug has not directly led to damage to household properties or materials, they are not a termite, powder post beetles, or wood borers that possess strong biting and chewing mouth parts that can damage your furniture. Bed bugs only have proboscis for piercing through their host skin to get blood. However, the excretes from bed bugs can impose dark or rusty stains on your bed sheet and walls of your home, making it look unkempt or unpleasant to sight. These stains are often easy to remove during regular wash, although some may be heavy and require you to wash with an enzyme stain removal for fabrics. If stains are on the wall, you may need to do some scrubbing; you can do this by;

  • Add a mixture of detergent and water. 
  • Get a sponge or soft brush and dip it in the mix. 
  • Finally, start scrubbing the areas where these stains are found. 

This method may work if the room is small; however, in case of heavy infestation, you may need to repaint your house after you must have killed the bed bugs. This will cost you some money. As a result, bed bugs have indirectly imposed an unplanned cost on you.


whenever a bed bug pierces your skin with its proboscis to suck blood. It injects saliva at the same time. This saliva has anticoagulant properties, a blood thinning substance to prevent blood from thickening (clotting) while it's being sucked. The allergens cause allergic reactions (asthma, hives), especially in allergic individuals. A study has shown that only about 40% of people show allergic reactions to bed bug bites. The saliva also contains chemicals that cause irritation and itchiness of the skin; this may lead to you scratching the area either gently or vigorously, depending on how your body reacts to the bite. This may result in opening that area and, if left untreated, might lead to secondary infection by other dangerous microbes; you may develop conditions like impetigo and cellulitis.

Related:   Bed bug bites, treatment, and the risks they pose


Bites from bed bugs can disrupt your sleep at night as you wake up from sleep and short intervals from their stinging actions, thereby giving you a stressful night. This can affect your efficiency and productivity at work as the effect of a bad night's sleep may come to play at work, and you may have a feeling of dizziness. You know what? You might get fired by your boss while caught sleeping on duty! Aside from that, the marks left by bed bugs, especially on your face and neck or any exposed part of your body, may make you less attractive and cause you to lose self confidence.


Anemia is a condition that results from the lack of red blood cells, thus making it difficult for oxygen to reach your vital organs and may eventually lead to organ failure.

Bed bugs feed on blood; their bite may not be as severe as leading to anemia, except in rare cases of hyperinfestation.

Getting rid of bed bugs

Bed bugs are no longer just an issue for hotels or places where people stay overnight; they can become a massive problem in your home. This crawlies can affect anyone at any time. So if you find yourself infested, here's what you need to know about getting rid of bed bugs.

1. Look for Bed Bugs

The easiest way to tell whether you're dealing with a bed bug infestation is to look for the insects themselves. If you've ever had problems with your sleep before, then chances are good that you've got bed bugs.

2. Find the Bed Bug Crawl Space

Related:   Bed Bugs on Your Clothes

If you've noticed a small bumpy spot under your mattress, that may indicate a bed bug infestation. However, other things could cause these bumps as well. First, pull back your sheets and blankets and lift the mattress to ensure you're looking in the right place. Once you find any suspicious bumps, you'll want to address them.

3. Use the Right Products

You may think spraying pesticides around your house will work, but that won't kill the bed bugs. Instead, look for products that specifically treat bed bugs. There are several different types of products that you can use, but the two best ones are sprays and baits. Sprays are typically cheaper, but if you want to eliminate bed bugs effectively, you should seek the help of a professional exterminator.

4. Keep Your Home Clean

You'll want to keep your home clean if you get rid of bed bugs. First, wash everything you bring inside with hot water and soap. Also, clean out anything that might attract bed bugs, including items like mattresses, furniture, boxes, and clothing. As soon as you're finished cleaning, let your furniture dry completely.

5. Be Aware Of Different Signs

Not everyone experiences symptoms of bedbug bites, but some people do. Symptoms include redness, swelling, itching, rashes, and fatigue. Check-in with your doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms.

7. Call A Professional

If your home gets infested by bed bugs, and you feel it's beyond your control, or you have tried various methods to get rid of these pests, they seem not to be working. Then, It's time to get a professional bed bug exterminator, as they have been trained to eliminate problems like bed bugs. You can also seek advice from friends and families who have encountered such situations and what they did to deal with a bed bug infestation.

What to do if you get bed bug bites

Confused bearded man in eyeglasses shrugging his shoulders Man with beard and eyeglasses shrugging his shoulders in confusion, arms raised, isolated on gray i dont know stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Bed bug bites, in reality, aren’t something you should be worried about as they do not spread infections or diseases.

1. If you suspect you may have been bitten, try applying ice directly to the affected area. A cool compress will reduce the inflammation of the site. To prevent further bedbug activity, spray an effective bed bug pesticide, then place a piece of cardboard over any cracks or crevices where they might enter your home. Make sure to seal off these entry points regularly with tape.

Related:   Gear Up! Things to Do When You Get Bed Bug Bites

2. If you notice redness around the bites, check yourself for small blood blisters under your skin. Bed bug bites may lead to these tiny blebs that pop open.

3. Do not apply any ointments or creams that are not prescribed to the site where you are bitten. These products may be harmful.

4. You can see your doctor if you notice strange signs around the bitten area. Who knows? Other infectious insects might have bitten you

Things you need to note about bed bugs

1. Bed bugs live throughout the year in warmer climates. However, they prefer warm environments between 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If possible, keep your house at temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Keep your bedroom free of clutter, as they may provide a hiding place for bed bugs.

3. Dispose of every old clothes or furniture, as this could serve as breeding site for bed bugs. 

4. When travelling, bring along enough clothing and personal care products to ensure your comfort. Sharing blankets or clothes with strangers could increase the spread of bed bugs (perhaps you don’t know if the stranger’s home has been infested with bed bugs)


Can bed bugs enter you?

Bed bugs don't live in humans or on human skin. They are more concerned about the blood they get from you rather than living in you. They prefer to live in dark areas, cracks and crevices where they get optimal temperatures for growth and breeding.

Will a shower get rid of bed bugs?

In reality, bed bugs don't stick on human skin. But if you find them on your skin while you take a shower, they will come off as they can't resist the water pressure from the shower.

Do bed bugs hide in hair?

No, bed bugs don't hide in hair. They prefer to live in certain areas. To know more about these areas. Click here 

Do bed bugs cause severe health problems?

Bed bugs are not known to cause any serious threat to human health. However, the above paragraph can read more about their side effects.

How long does it take to deal with bed bugs?

With a professional exterminator, bed bug infestations could be curbed in less than 3–7 days. However, some treatments may last for 3–4 weeks, depending on how badly your home has been infested.

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